Satisfied or money back!*

Our Happiness Guarantee: because we are 100% convinced of our product!

We want you to be happy and satisfied with your water filter. That’s why you get a Happiness Guarantee on all models of the AGUA product line at ELEMENTO 4!

What is the Happiness Guarantee?

ELEMENTO 4’s Happiness Guarantee is basically a classic money-back guarantee. If you are not happy with our product, you will get a full refund*.

Why do we give a Happiness Guarantee?

We are sure you will love your new water filter. That is why we take the full risk.

Not satisfied? No problem!

If for any reason you are not convinced by your new water filter, we will take it back within 14 days with a full refund of the purchase price – no “ifs” and “buts”.

The Happiness Guarantee is thus your security for a 14-day return of the products. You will receive a full refund of the purchase price of the product.*

* The installation costs are not reimbursed. The 14-day right of return begins on the day of successful commissioning.