MEDIAGON limescale protection

Ecological mode of action: without salt, without magnet, without electricity, without chemicals!

Protect your water pipes from limescale and rust and benefit from high-quality drinking water. MEDIAGON is the effective and maintenance-free limescale protection for your entire household. Purchase, install, lean back.

MEDIAGON changes the basic structure of the lime.

Special product advantages:

With the Mediagon technology, the basic structure of the lime in the water is changed in such a way that it predominantly no longer forms hard scale, but is washed away by the water.

No maintenance, no electricity and maintenance costs, no addition of chemicals, longer service life of water pipes and fittings, longer service life of household appliances.

High energy savings, long-term manufacturer’s guarantee, successfully in use for years on Mallorca in private homes, hotels and the cathedral.

It's simple: wipe and go!

With MEDIAGON, the lime remains in the water, but can no longer settle due to the changed structure. Thus, in the worst case, it forms a powdery coating that can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth.

MEDIAGON limescale protection at a glance:

  • test four weeks without risk
  • for private houses, apartment complexes, hotels and large facilities
  • easy installation
  • absolutely maintenance-free
  • works without electricity, magnet, salt or chemistry

Costs: from EUR 1.210,00 incl. IVA

Call us: +34 971 142 272

In a detailed conversation, we can discuss your problems and wishes, and together find the perfect solution for you.

MEDIAGON Kalkschutz Mallorca